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Just Enough Algebra

Section B.2 Formulas used to find constants

Rate of Change Formula

\begin{equation*} \text{rate of change } = \frac{\text{change dep}}{\text{change indep}} = \frac{\text{1st dep - 2nd dep}}{\text{1st indep - 2nd indep}} \end{equation*}

Intercept (of Linear) Formula

\begin{equation*} \text{intercept} = \text{dep} - \text{slope}\ast\text{indep} \end{equation*}

Percent Change Formula

  • If a quantity changes by a percentage corresponding to growth rate \(r\text{,}\) then the growth factor is
    \begin{equation*} \displaystyle g=1+r \end{equation*}
  • If the growth factor is \(g\text{,}\) then the growth rate is
    \begin{equation*} r = g-1 \end{equation*}

Growth Factor Formula

If a quantity is growing (or decaying) exponentially, then the growth (or decay) factor is
\begin{equation*} \displaystyle g = \sqrt[t]{\frac{a}{s}} \end{equation*}
where \(s\) is the starting amount and \(a\) is the amount after \(t\) time periods.